Hyon Johnson
Writer / Director
Michael Hyon Johnson is a half black, half South Korean Air Force veteran and writer/director. He's produced award winning narrative short films, music videos, and branded content for BuzzFeed, Machinima Inc, and is the co-founder of the video production company Story Mode. His first web-series, PreGame Lobby was distributed by Machinima, Inc and has garnered a cult following.
Michael earned a MFA from Chapman University and is the winner of the M Film Lab 2022 Spring program.
Following his experiences working with gaming video distributor Machinima, Inc and various esports gaming influencers - Michael has created an absurdist comedy that exposes toxic streamer culture.
LOST THE LEAD questions: what if influencers weaponized the police to increase their notoriety? The result is horrifying but a band of awkward nerds will seek retribution.
Michael is always writing... he was also selected as a mentee the Netflix Animation Foundation's writing program, the Writer’s Guild Foundation’s: Veteran’s Writing Project; and is a VME - AT&T Veterans Media Fellow.
Cast & Crew
Tristan Turner
Keenan Gibson
Jaimie Leung
Celia Schiling
Anika Kokatay
Bennett Reeber
Landon Lee
as Leon
as Marcus
as Mia
as Tessa
as Sophie
as Squirrel King
as Kyle
Jameson Mitchell
Amanda Dyer & Christine Cho
Robert Chuck
Miles Wilson
Co-Executive Producer and Head of VFX